Or does it?
It does if that is how we choose to use technology. Technology can be good or bad, it isn't inherently either of the two, it depends on how we use it.
When I go out I see tons of people staring at their phones. Couples having dinner together looking down on their phones, groups of friends standing in a circle drink in one hand phone in the other, and singles looking at their phones instead of looking around them.
The latter is probably the least disturbing but it still is an interesting phenomena. Yet a totally understandable one. Looking at your online dating profiles gives you the feeling that while there may be no one around to talk to (or so you think) at least there are still people on your phone to talk to. It's a comforter. A blanket of reassurance that things aren't hopeless.
I have this radical dream that in the future people will use technology only where it will help them enhance their real life experience instead of replacing their real life experiences with technology.
I would like to get your thoughts on dating specifically to help me fine tune my crazy big idea.
Thank you for your time.