Friday, May 25, 2012

War on Men #waronmen #waronwomen

Both Liberals and Conservatives are talking about the war on women and blaming the other side. With the latest leftist attack  which manifested itself in depicting S.E. Cupp with 'something' in her mouth, I think it is pretty obvious who is waging that war. But I digress.  My question is, why isn't anybody talking about the war on men?

Marketing departments definitely seem to be biased towards men. Look at how companies are portraying men in their commercials, sending the message to young girls and boys that all men are idiots.

Here are some examples of commercials that portray men as incapable losers:

My new 'favorite' commercial is the Eggos commercial where dad built a crooked a table and the food just slides off. I couldn't find that one on YouTube. And this is just a selection of commercials. There are many more out there that send the same type of message. 

This phenomena is yet another sign of how feminism has pushed us way beyond the reasonable desire for women to have equality to the completely reserve in some areas of life.

The kind of messaging seen in the commercials above will make girls think that men can't do anything right and that they will have to be mean bitches when they grow up to whip their men into shape.
On the flip side, young boys will think that it's ok for a woman to demean them and  raise their eyebrow at them. They will accept that they will never be able to do anything right (according to their woman).

A completely perverse message that kills both femininity AND masculinity and is a purveyor of a behavioral pattern that, in my opinion, is the reason most marriages fail. Most men don't cheat because they are sex addicts or because they are pigs. Sure some do, but the majority of men who cheat do so when they've grown so weary of their wife bitching at them for not doing things right that they need to find affirmation, be it physical or emotional, from another woman.

 A true masculine man will cherish a woman and support her in her endeavors. If you demonize men, all you do is create the very self-image in men that you don't want to see in them. If you respect men and let them know that you value their contributions, they will become knights in shining armor.

Oh and if you would like to see what a political war on men looks like, just follow @TheRealRoseanne.


  1. While I can agree with the fact that there are negative stereotypes about men that are contstantly reinforced in the media I'm not sure comparing it to the plight that most women in this country face.

    I would compare this to people asking why there isn't a "white history month" the biggest reason being that every month is "white history month" as there is most certainly a white privilege in this country.

    In short, are there biases against men in our culture? Yes. However there are FAR MORE struggles that women have to face. Luckily, this is changing, largely in part to many great men and women taking a stand for feminism and asking for equal treatment/rights.

    1. Please look at the #waronmen feed and you will see how many men (and women) feel that men are demonized and at a disadvantage in some areas of life.

  2. Wow! I could not agree more with you and I know that my wife, and ultimately our daughter, do as well. Equality has become so perverse in that it starts meaning "exactly equal" which we all know is impossible. We can't all be men and we can all be woman. This is just some of the problems when you hear class warfare drums being beaten on a daily basis. Right, wrong, or indifferent, you are always going to have more talented, prettier, smarter, wealthier, etc. etc. All I know is that when you have a ruling class i.e. Governments, then the only way to make people equal is to make them equally poor and downtrodden.

  3. So your response to legislative attempts to deprive women of rights to fairness on the issues of healthcare and wages is to point to TV commercials? Do you understand that television ads are meant to be entertaining, while government decides how we live? This is the weakest argument I've ever come across. Further your argument is entirely against the conservative principles you claim to uphold. The commercials you're complaining about are the purest example of free market economics. If an Ad campaign is successful the ad stays on TV and similiar ad themes are developed. If it isn't it is dropped quickly. Further these are the actions of private corporations shown on networks of other private corporations. You as a consumer can change the channel or not purchase the product. Making corporations better is only the irresponsibility of the stockholders and employees and no-one else. Where as making government better is the responsibility of every citizen, and one might think a system that creates fairness for all under the law would best serve all.
