Wednesday, August 29, 2012

From Fat to Fab

Warning: You cannot un-see what you're about to see.

This was me 7-10 years ago...

And this is me today....

I am almost 30 and look better than when I was 20. How did I do it? Small lifestyle changes. That's all it took. I don't work out ever (I probably should though). I don't only eat salads. I learned to do things in moderation.  I walked a little more here, ate a little less there. And that is how I lost the weight.
People who are overweight know deep down what they need to change. I know because I've been there. It's not as hard as it seems. You just have to get uncomfortable enough in your own skin to want it. No one else can make you want to do it. But if you want it, you can lose the weight. It's that simple.