The 'giving' part in Thanksgiving is not just about giving thanks. It's about giving to other people, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself. It’s about sharing with those you love, but also about sharing with those you don't even know. God commands us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, which includes all of the human race. Giving is one of the most impactful expression of love and should be exercised regularly.
I believe that it is also important to be thoughtful in your giving. Just like you spend time figuring out the best possible gift for your loved ones, based on their needs and wants, you should take the time to figure out what other people need.
This summer, I saw a homeless woman on the side of the road. I asked her if I could buy her dinner. She said that she wasn't actually very hungry because it was so hot. At first, I was a little stunned, and even a little offended I must admit. Then I realized that I was making a mistake. I asked her if there is anything that I could get for her instead of buying her dinner. She said she would really love popsicle. So I drove to the store and got her couple of popsicles as well as some Gatorade.
I learned my lesson. Now when I see a homeless person on the side of the road, I try to stop and ask them what they need first. Of course, I don't always have the time or the chance to stop to ask questions. And money is probably always a good thing to give. But if I do have the time, I ask if they have an immediate need that I can help them out with while they are standing there on the side of the road.
This lesson can applied to everyone in your life. Don't just give them what is dispensable at the time. Ask questions and give what is needed.
Just like we all have different blood types, we all have different needs. If you are an A blood type, you cannot receive B type blood. It won't help you. Some people need money, others need your help with something, and again others may just need someone to talk to. The needs are as unique as the people we deal with. Don't try to take care of all of them with the blanket solution of money.
The exception to that I see is time. Time is like the O blood type. It can be given to anyone, regardless of their own blood type. Whether you are giving money, helping someone, listening to them or doing something else for them, you are giving your time. Time is the most valuable thing humans have, so when you give your time, you are truly showing someone that you care.
Proverbs 22:9
9 A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.